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"?�y l� c�u chuy?n v? h�nh tr�nh phi th??ng c?a m?t ng??i ph? n? ?� v??t qua r?t nhi?u r�o c?n ?? tr? th�nh m?t trong nh?ng ngh? s? xi?c v? ??i nh?t c?a Vi?t Nam. Cu?c ??i NSND T�m Ch�nh l� minh ch?ng cho s?c m?nh c?a ni?m tin v� s? ki�n tr�. T? nh?ng ng�y ??u kh� kh?n ? l�ng qu� ??n nh?ng s�n kh?u l?n tr�n th? gi?i, b� kh�ng ch? l� m?t ngh? s? xi?c m� c�n l� m?t bi?u t??ng c?a s? d?n th�n, hy sinh v� kh�ng ng?ng n? l?c v� ?am m� ngh? thu?t xi?c. Cu?n s�ch n�y l� ngu?n c?m h?ng cho nh?ng ai d�m ??c m? v� d�m theo ?u?i ??c m? ?� ??n c�ng, b?t ch?p m?i th? th�ch. This is the story of the extraordinary journey of a woman who overcame numerous obstacles to become one of Vietnam's greatest circus artists. People�s artist Tam Chinh�s life is a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. From her early days of struggle in the countryside to performing on the grand stages of the world, she is not just a circus artist but also a symbol of commitment, sacrifice, and relentless pursuit of her passion for the circus arts. This book is an inspiration to anyone who dares to dream and pursues those dreams to the end, despite all challenges. (HFT) "
Author Name
Kieu B�ch Hau, Khanh Ph??ngTerms and Conditions
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