It did what
SKU: 1789
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In this book, I have detailed my perception of how to get along with almost anyone. Read along the practical thirty-seven secrets in order to get along with anyone and everyone. To get the best out of this book you need to implement the sentences written in bold letters and also carry out the activities detailed in the 'Activities to build your muscle' section. Apart from that there is also a Summary section after every chapter and at the conclusion you have a sample plan suitable for one month.
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D.S. PaisReturn and Refund Policy
a. Items are non refundable and cannot be cancelled once order is placed. b. Any damaged product delivered would be replaced and shipped without any extra charges within 10 to 15 working days (unless there are unavoidable calamities such as earthquake, strikes, pandemic during which the replacement duration may be delayed) is my return and refund policyISBN