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Forever Charlie - Flipbook

Forever Charlie - Flipbook

SKU: AG12202F
₹99.00 Regular Price
₹97.02Sale Price
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Charlie Lang was a typical passive kid, and when her parents decided to move into a new neighbourhood, Charlie never expected that her life would turn in a different direction.   One night in the middle of summer, Charlie met a dazzling friend in the name of Dahlia Fardo and by getting to know her, Charlie eventually discovered a vague side of herself. Charlie kept her feelings exclusively to herself in fear that she might lose Dahlia if she ever spoke about it. Add to this, she also has a falling relationship with her father so she was torn between keeping everything to herself or should she face her fear of being spurned away and acknowledge her own identity.� By the incessant moral and emotional support coming from her ever-loving mother, she gets to reconnect with her father, but something unexpected had happened that made it too late for her to pursue the love that she�d always wanted for it was forever lost in her dream.
  • Type

    Digital Flipbook
  • Author Name

    Del Castro
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    a. Items are non refundable and cannot be cancelled once order is placed.
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