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A Matter of Choice

A Matter of Choice

SKU: 9789354904752
₹50.00 Regular Price
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About the Author: Kabishev Alexander Konstantinovich (K.A.K.) - poet and writer, volunteer journalist of the POET magazine, active participant and director of the magazine at the �LIFE LINE OF EVERY CHILD� foundation, founder and head of the international creative and cultural project �DEMO GOG�, editor-in-chief of the HUMANITY magazine, author of the collection of short stories �NIGHTMARE�, the collection of poems �DANCE OF POETRY�, the novel �RED CORAL�. Curator and organizer of collections of modern prose and poetry �SILICON AGE� (2 volumes), the Russian-Vietnamese collection �DAWN� and the collection �WHISPER IN THE WIND�. Director of the ECLF documentary. Member of the Russian Union of Writers. Member of the Writers� Union of North America. Co-author of many collections and publications in magazines and online media. A number of his author�s works have been translated and published in Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Vietnamese, English and Tagalog (Russia, Saint Petersburg).
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    Alexander Kabishev
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