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Overcoming a writer's block

Writer's block is a much debated topic among writers. A few believe that no such thing exists and that it's all in the head, a few argue that writer's block is truer than life itself, and a few writers do not really pay any heed to this matter.

Whatever the case may be, most writers can understand the pain that accompanies a writer's block. The hopelessness and demotivation that sets in is enough to send the writer on a desperate search for a solution.

Let's look at a few possible methods to cure writer's block.

1. Take a deep breath. Writer's block is not the end of the world. All writers have some good writing days and some bad writing days. Consider this period as the latter.

2. Face your fears. Most of the time, the factors holding you back from writing are quite easy to recognize. Are you scared of the criticism? Are you scared of being compared to better writers? Are you beginning to believe that you're not good enough? Are you worried that no one will read your work? Are you intimidated by the whole writing and publishing process?

Whatever your fears may be, acknowledge them. Assure yourself that you are capable and deserving. Think of the worst case scenario and shrug it off because there is always another chance to succeed.

3. Focus on the positivity. Maybe you have been going through some personal problems, family problems, finances issues, or maybe you are being held captive by your fears, as mentioned in the previous point.

When you are surrounded by such negativity, then you lose the joy of writing. Sitting and penning down words seems tiring and draining.

During such times, you have to remind yourself of the reason why you became a writer. The most common reason that a person writes is to escape their reality. They want to find peace and solace within the words they write, they want to hold power.

Thus, try to focus on the thrill and satisfaction that writing provides. You will find yourself smiling.

4. Follow a routine. Most successful writers have a strict writing schedule and they stick with it. No matter what happens, they are programmed to sit and write at a particular time and place.

This is the simplest long term strategy that will prevent any future writer's blocks.

5. Get motivated and inspired. Almost all successful writers know that writing requires discipline and not inspiration. To get writing done, you have to force yourself to sit and write every day, whether you are inspired or not.

However, if you have not realized this yet, then keep it in mind to implement this point along with the previous point to help you in the long run.

For the time being, watch an inspiring movie, read a good book, listen to motivational speakers, and do something that makes you genuinely happy.

6. Make yourself a hot beverage. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, anything is fine. Relax your mind and muscles, sip on your beverage, and calmly listen to your thoughts. Talk to yourself, sort out your problems, give yourself a pep talk, or just enjoy the silence.

7. Exercise or go for a walk. This generally makes you feel good and more energetic. Something or someone you see on your walk might trigger your writing bug again.

8. Talk to family and friends. Spend some time with your family. Share stories, laugh together, listen to their life updates, play a board game, cook a meal together, reminisce about the old times.

You could also call up an old friend and have a long, hearty talk.

9. Write the scene that you want to write. Often what happens is that writers are unsure about a particular scene or part of the book. But this scene is essential to move the story ahead. So as they try to avoid writing this scene, they get completely detached from writing itself.

To avoid this, just skip the scene. No one is monitoring you and telling you how to write your book. You have complete creative control. Write the scenes that you love. Keep the difficult parts that threaten to burn you out for the last.

Enjoy the process.

10. Do a writing sprint. Set a timer for a certain number of minutes, as less as five to as long as you want. Write about anything and everything. Just write.

11. Write freestyle. In continuation with the above point, write about anything that you see, or hear, or feel. If there are books scattered on your desk, write about them. If an ice cream truck goes past your house, write about that. If your mind is a mess, write down your thoughts. It doesn't matter what you write, just write.

12. Write. The last point but the most crucial one. I saved this for the last because even though this is the most effective solution to writer's block and all writers know this, they still run away from this truth.

It will be hard but you have to write that first word, and then the second, then the third, and so soon. This is how you overcome the invisible force that holds you back from doing what you love.

At the end of the day, after you have tried out most of the above solutions, you will realize that it is easier to just write than dwell in the sadness of being hit by writer's block.

This article is written by Kulsum. Kulsum is the bestselling author of The Bleeding Wounds Series on Amazon Kindle. Her debut novel Love of a Stranger is published globally.

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