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Unsung Sheroes and Heroes

Unsung Sheroes and Heroes

SKU: 9789356451452
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The word "Shero" is used by the black feminist writer Maya Angelou to refer to extraordinary women who have done great deeds. Angelou deliberately refrains from using the word �Hero�, as it has the pronoun �He� in it, making the word exclusive to men alone. Drawing upon Maya Angelou's terminology, Priyadarshini has titled her book "Unsung Sheroes and Heroes". Her book is a work of fiction and chronicles the lives of lesser known Sheroes and Heroes such as the lady who strings jasmine flowers and the man who irons clothes.  Priyadarshini has used a series of descriptive passages to highlight the skill and beauty in the work of the real contributors of society.
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    Priyadarshini Panchapakesan
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