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SKU: 1648
₹199.00 Regular Price
₹195.02Sale Price
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Meraki, is a whole hearted collection of thesubscriptions that are to be done, thus left unseenand unsubscribed. This collection of six storiesare based on the life of woman on various agesand stages, those kind and disencumbered stri's(Sanskrit for woman) who ceaselessly fight fortheir autonomy and success for their presencein this inn of livestock. Meraki is a word that describes creativity thatare left unnoticed which is now sensed propelledout to the world of opportunities.
  • Author Name

    KSR, Adhithya, AAshika S K, Poojalakshmi T, Ayyeswarya J, Dhanvandhiri Arumugam, Aparna Unnikrishnan
  • Return and Refund Policy

    a. Items are non refundable and cannot be cancelled once order is placed. b. Any damaged product delivered would be replaced and shipped without any extra charges within 10 to 15 working days (unless there are unavoidable calamities such as earthquake, strikes, pandemic during which the replacement duration may be delayed) is my return and refund policy
  • ISBN

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